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Coaching Services


Attract Your Soulmate
• Develop Loving & Joyful Relationships
• Develop acceptance & unconditional love 
• Forgive & let go of the past
• Learn how to navigate the dating world successfully
• Break through fears to attract the right person


Contact Laura for a free session at:

My Approach

Coaching Women with Physical Challenges


People with physical challenges face additional struggles in striving to live healthy, productive and independent lives. It is normal to desire a healthy body, a loving relationship with a partner, and a fulfilling career.

In our work together, I will provide inspiration and support for men and women who are feeling discouraged, frustrated and lost due to our society's  tendency to use looks and beauty as a measure of our value as people.


Every person is unique, talented and possesses special abilities. I coach clients to discover and tap into the wellspring of her own abilities and how they can contribute to the world at large.

“Believe in Yourself & Achieve Your Dreams!”

Coaching People with Challenges:
• Develop self-confidence
• Love & accept yourself 
• Find your life's passion
• Create goals & transform them into reality
• Maintain a healthy body, mind & soul


Who cares what others say… JUST DO IT!
• Let go of the past & focus on your innate abilities
• Learn how to navigate the dating world
• Attract your soulmate & create a loving relationship


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